
Out of 5 Ratings

Owner's of the Bissell Vacuum Cleaner PROheat gave it a score of 3.6 out of 5. Here's how the scores stacked up:
  • Reliability

    3.6 out of 5
  • Durability

    3.5 out of 5
  • Maintenance

    3.0 out of 5
  • Performance

    3.8 out of 5
  • Ease of Use

    4.0 out of 5
of 20
Theseitemsareavailablefor purchaseasaccessoriesfor yourBISSELLProHeat:
Item Part No. Part Name
203-0149 HardFloorTool
2 203-6651 3" ToughStainTool
3 203-6653 4" UpholsteryTool
4 203-6654 6" StairTool
5 203-6652 PoweredTurboBrushHandTool
6 203-0116 Spraying,2-ira1 Crevicetool w/Brush
7 203-6655 SprayingCreviceTool
8 210-3040 MeshToolStorageBag
CleaningFormula:Refertobottomof page5 of thisguidefor afull selection
of cleaningformula availablefor purchase.
Fora completelistofreplacementparts,cleaningformulas,
andaccessoriesavailablefor yourBISSELLdeepcleanerplease
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