
Out of 2 Ratings

Owner's of the Apple MP3 Player Apple iPod Touch 16GB White 4th Gen gave it a score of 3.6 out of 5. Here's how the scores stacked up:
  • Reliability

    4.0 out of 5
  • Durability

    3.5 out of 5
  • Maintenance

    3.5 out of 5
  • Performance

    4.5 out of 5
  • Ease of Use

    2.5 out of 5
of 141
Go to another page Tap , ick left or right, then tap the page.
Stop a webpage from loading Tap .
Reload a webpage Tap in the address eld.
Close a page Tap , then tap by the page.
Protect private information and
block some websites from tracking
your behavior
Go to Settings > Safari and turn on Private Browsing.
Set options for Safari Go to Settings > Safari.
Follow a link on a webpage: Tap the link.
See a link’s destination address Touch and hold the link.
Detected data—such as dates and email addresses—may also appear as links in webpages. Touch
and hold a link to see the available options. See “Using links and detected data” on page 63.
Reading List
Reading List lets you collect links to webpages to read later.
Add a link to the current page to your reading list: Tap , then tap “Add to Reading List.”
Add a link to your reading list: Touch and hold the link, then choose “Add to Reading List.”
View your reading list Tap , then tap Reading List.
Use iCloud to keep your
reading list up to date on your
iOS devices and computers
Go to Settings > iCloud, then turn on Bookmarks. See “iCloud
” on page 16.
Reader displays web articles without ads or clutter, so you can read without distractions. On a
webpage with an article, you can use Reader to view just the article.
View an article in Reader: Tap the Reader button, if it appears in the address eld.
Adjust the font size Tap .
Bookmark, save, share, or print
the article
Tap .
Return to normal view Tap Done.
Entering text and lling out forms
Enter text: Tap a text eld to bring up the keyboard.
Move to another text eld Tap the text eld, or tap Next or Previous.
Submit a form Tap Go or Search, or the link on the page to submit the form, if available.
To enable AutoFill to help ll out forms, go to Settings > Safari > AutoFill.
Chapter 13 Safari